Diagnostics Product Guide

8 Tips on How You Can Live a Cancer-Free Life

Cancer cases are still on the rise with 14 million new incidences reported in 2012. The World Health Organization (WHO) projects a 70% increase in the number of cancer cases in the next two decades. How can you lower your risk to ensure you live a cancer free life? Here is how to better your health and lower risk of acquiring cancer.

  1. Cancer-Free LifeCheck your body weight

Dietary risks account for one-third of cancer deaths, according to WHO. If you are overweight, place your focus on weight loss. Ensure that you eat a well-balanced diet and take anti-cancer foods such as garlic, dark leafy greens, onions, and turmeric.

  1. Strive to exercise frequently

Prolonged sitting is related to poor health. Slot some time into your daily schedule and do 30 minutes or more of physical exercise. You can choose to walk, garden, or dance.

  1. Give up smoking

Tobacco causes 22% of cancer diseases globally. Join the more than 1,000 Americans who give up the habit daily. Usually, it takes six to seven attempts before you can stop altogether. Talk to a health-care provider or join a quit-smoking program for further assistance.

  1. Limit alcohol consumption

If you must take alcohol, do not exceed two drinks. Avoid events where there is a high likelihood of alcohol consumption.

  1. Shield yourself from the sun

Basking in the sun is only healthy before 10 am and after 4 pm. Too much exposure to the sun causes skin cancer and sometimes melanoma. Protect children from an early age as they are at a higher risk of skin damage.

  1. Avoid Sexually Transmitted Infections

Different diseases are linked to sexually transmitted infections like human papillomavirus (HPV). Use a condom and practice safe sex.

  1. Keep off industrial chemicals

Personal-care products that contain parabens and phthalates are harmful to your health. Also, ensure that you are not in direct contact with pesticides and insecticides. If your workplace exposes you to toxic products, use protective masks on face.

  1. Have screening tests

Go for check-ups and know your status. If the cancer is found early, treatment is possible. Get cancer tests guidelines from a health care professional to keep up with the schedule. Common tests are for;

While cancer cases continue to claim lives worldwide, there are things you can do to lessen your risk of falling victim to cancer. Follow the above eight tips and be well on your way to a healthier you.

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